NaviDate is developing a new Passive Optoelectronic Tracking System for the monitoring of moving objects.
Research and development
We cooperate with Institute of Forensic Engineering, University of Žilina in the field of traffic monitoring and security.
We are working on the application of image analysis and artificial intelligence in the field of medicine in cooperation with the leading centers of oncology diagnostics in Slovak and Czech republics.
About Us
NaviDate Ltd was established in February of 2018. We are working on the innovative technological solutions for highway traffic monitoring, airspace monitoring and security based on the electrooptical system.
Who We Are
We are young fast growing company dedicated to the technological innovations. AI and Deep Learning are the key points of our solutions. Image processing, video analytics, special sensors, spectroscopy are the main areas of our interest.
Our Team
consists of professionals who are ready to find solution for your needs

Recent news
The actual events and key meetings

European Researchers’ Night
is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries. The main activities are hands-on experiments, demos, simulations, science shows, debates, discussions, chats with researchers, lectures, and etc. NaviDate and Via Pribina brings research […]

NaviDate Saves Your Lives on the ViA PRiBiNA
Unique cameras, which thanks artificial intelligence recognize a vehicle in the wrong direction drivers entering the wrong way will immediately be alerted by a strong light. Information alert that goes to local police should the driver continue measurable success rate from day one: In 2022, we prevented 88% potencial counter-flows

Development grant
NaviDate Ltd has been awarded a research and development grant to support the industrial research project “Passive Optoelectronic Search Engine System”. This state support will greatly accelerate the prototype development process as well as the implementation cycle and commissioning. Research and development in the project will be directed to the optimization of algorithms for detection of […]

Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence
What is AI? From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly. While science fiction often portrays AI as robots with human-like characteristics, AI can encompass anything from Google’s search algorithms to IBM’s Watson to autonomous weapons. Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI (or weak AI), in that it is […]